Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Step, Step, Stepping Out....on FAITH!

The year of 2012 has brought to me some enormous challenges, set-backs and tests. Death, health challenges, job losses, among other hardships. Six years ago, I had a test where I solely had to rely on God and my faith to believe that He would open doors for me. I stressed very little because I had witnessed prior the things that I had overcomed and never thought for a second that He would not deliver.

So here I am again Lord, this time with Even Bigger challenges. I have spent time helping others to believe in brighter days but I haven't taken time to BELIEVE for myself. Now that ain't right!

Lately, I been listening to sermons by T.D. Jakes and some music videos to uplift myself. This year my favorite song is by MaryMary's "Go Get It". So the last time I played this song and really, I mean REALLY listened to the sermon's messages, I felt the same theme resonating....It's my Time. It's my season. But I've been asking myself...."time for what?"

Well sometimes God has a way to shine a light on pathways that were dark and those pathways are ones that you would never considered walking down. Because really, they are dark, scary and you don't know what's down there.

But I realize that I have been failing myself. I have forgotten what I learned about God six years ago. If nothing else, I forgot that it was Him that opened the door for me to be blessed. I forgot that I didn't have fear then because I had relinquished all to Him to fight my battles.

What the heck is wrong with me? All the the trials and tests that has happened to me in 2012, was to prepare me to be blessed at the next level. It's my time, it's my season. So I'm gonna "go get my blessing" It's been silly of me to forget all the things God has done for me in the past and not believe that He can't or even won't bless me now.

So if you see me smiling foolishly and it appears that I have had a nervous breakdown :), pray for me because I'am just waiting for God's plan for me next and while I'm waiting, I am STEPPIN OUT ON FAITH!

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